Buying a Home? Insurance Issues
When most people are buying a home, the last thing that they spend much time thinking about is insurance. There are just too many other more important things to take care of. But there are a few things to consider about homeowner’s insurance that are worth your time.

Some insurance companies offer discounts on homeowner’s policies for having a home security system, multiple policies with them, a newer home and so forth. On the other hand, insurance companies may charge more if your home is in a flood zone, you have a pool or you don't have a fire alarm system.

Another important insurance consideration is your specific coverages. For example, some insurance companies only cover some types of termite damage. Others may only cover the cost of repairs to your home after a natural disaster if certain conditions are met. So, it is really in the best interest of you and your family to know the scope and/or limitations of your insurance coverage.

The team at Siesta Title and Escrow LLC can help you with many of your questions regarding home ownership. Give us a call at (941) 889 - 7744 or email us at Like and follow our Facebook page at!